I believe that when I look back on the days of raising my littles, I won’t necessarily go to the memories of big-deal vacations or lavish birthday party events, but rather I’ll savor the days like today. Not perfect, but really good. 

We worked. We washed cars, mowed lawns and scrubbed toilets. 
We played. We dug in the sandbox, played “campfire” and “boat”. 
We rested. 
We visited with neighbors, poolside. We swam.  
We ate well. We grilled and fried a family favorite (fried green tomatoes). 
We harvested our first head of cabbage from the garden and transformed it into cole slaw, aka “H Boy’s favorite salad.” 
We cleaned up and wore dresses. 
We participated in community events. We saw friends and introduced the baby. 
We danced at the outdoor concert. 
We stayed up late, caught lightning bugs and saw an end-of-day rainbow. 
We rocked the baby. 
We said “I love you.” 
We were thankful, appreciative and humbled that we can lead such a life and have days such as these.