Month: April 2011 (Page 3 of 3)


I won’t lie. H-Boy is in training. Not for his run at the ’18 Olympics as the next Gary Hall Jr. (though I think we’ll start swim lessons this summer), but in hopes for maximum self-sufficiency in T-minus 3 months. About a month ago I realized that if I ever want to leave the house, I simply cannot tie 8 shoes. So, from that time on, I’ve been introducing the boy to both daily tasks and responsibilities that I think he can handle and velcro. 

I had a few friends over one evening and they found it quite hilarious the amount of work the boy does; gets his own shoes, puts on/takes off his own clothes (except the shirt – pulling over the head is a hard one; we recently mastered socks as long as I give a good 10 minute head start from when we need to have them on). He puts his dishes (plastic!) in sink and, probably the most challenging: he is responsible for the current locale of his milk. I offer a few suggestions about where it might be, but he may have to go on a milk hunt to have a drink. He’s always been pretty good about putting it on the table (even a coaster – since he was young!), so it’s not too, too hard to find it out in the open. He also does a lot of carrying – groceries from the car (the light stuff! Come on, I’m not ruthless), clothes to the hamper, whathaveyou. I’m finding he also loves to do the dishes (well, he holds a sponge and a singular cup gets verrry clean while I do the rest). 
He’s also a super-helper when it comes to clean up. Part of that might be due to his semi-quirky nature about needing things just right; another factor may be that I’m always having him do it. Sometimes he needs told a time or five, but he eventually gets the toys in the toy box. I wish I’d taken a picture of the giant bowling pins he lined up along the wall when I asked him to get them off my kitchen floor. 
Tonight he was in charge of putting away the books he dumped off the shelf in search of the perfect read. I’ve mostly been putting them back away, but tonight Mickey remained unplayed until the books were on the shelf. Once he realized that cause-and-effect relationship, it took no less than 30 seconds to have things stacked. I was in awe that it really was that simple. 
It’s a selfish ambition that we’ve worked on these skills; very little has to do with me wanting him “developmentally appropriate” (though it’s nice to have something to tell the ladies at the home visits). But I did some thinking after recent articles around education/learning that caused me to feel a bit validated. 
When I’d posted about the homework issue, I was appreciative of my kindergartener-teacher friend who shared her experiences. She mentioned that it helps to teach some responsibility, and another former-lower grade (now collegiate) teacher validated that students need that direction. After reading and hearing about kids of various ages that can’t put on their own pants, hang up their coats or a variety of other simple self-serving tasks, I’d say that society probably needs to be asking a bit more of them. And insert soapbox:… what if teachers didn’t have to be the ones teach responsibility? What if… gasp… parents did? 
Now let me throw another stick in the mix.
I’ve read some works by Mark-O and his research into the lengthening of adolescence (again – captivating for me! **disclaimer:I haven’t watched the video, only read his other pieces) and it’s [negative] affect on young adults. So I’m inclined to ask… what if it’s happening at all levels of childhood? 
It’s fascinating to me that in so many ways we ask kids to grow up too soon – trade in play time for school hours, begin organized sports as soon as the jersey fits in exchange for backyard ball and pickup games, even deal with adultish issues like love and sexuality and relationships (some before jr. high!) – all the while we hold off on giving kids a sense of accomplishment for doing things like dressing or contributing to dinner. It’s as if we feel guilty for asking so much of our kids at a young age that we take the basics of life off their plate so they can enjoy youth soccer 4 nights a week. 
There are lots and lots of kids I know who are quite self-sufficient and dressing themselves appropriately; I don’t mean to sound “well there’s this girl I know who’s daughter doesn’t even...” I’m simply reflecting on a few general trends I find fascinating. And perhaps I’m looking at 2 views of 2 separate extremes. I’m not sure the kids that can’t put on pants are the ones that are being asked to compose musical symphonies or hit the gym 4 nights a week. These could be 2 separate parenting deficiencies that display themselves at opposite ends of the spectrum. 
Which, I suppose, just calls me to find a sense of balance. You know, one of my natural gifts. I suppose it’ll be a bit of a dance between letting kids be kids – putting play at the center of their day – and providing opportunities to grow and realize their full potential. 

the biggest kids garage sale ever

The past 24 hours have nearly convinced me to sell any of my kids toys made of plastic to resemble a real-life object. I’ll only keep obscure shapes and household items. I had a long IM conversation with KLR about schooling after my sister’s recent questions about my neice’s preschooling next year and my own looking for H to attend in the fall (he’ll be 3 in November, but school system preschools apparently do some registering over the summer, I would guess so they can prepare for enrollment, blah blah blah).
This led to adding more comments to my recent post about young kids and homework (thanks to all who responded – some fabulous thoughts that I’d not considered before! Although I would like someone to defend homework to some extent – teachers, I doubt, are assigning it without reason). We talked about ditto sheets and then into the lack of creativity that’s required, which if you ask me – and you sort of did, by continuing to read this – is the shortfall of our education.
I think creativity is what breeds leaders who can problem solve effectively; they’re innovators and creators. Bill Gates, as geeky as he is, needed the freedom to create and step out of “what’s been done” in order to produce a staple in nearly every office and school across the country. Then I read an article scientifically validating my accusations.
So I’ve been paying attention to my own kids and their play learning. Yesterday H spent no less than 40 minutes with his “beans” – which I like to call his Mexican Sandbox. It’s litterally a tub of raw black and white beans, a muffin tin, a shovel and an old yogurt container. He plays with them on an old shower curtain to make it easier to clean up. (No credit to myself – this idea came from a preschool teacher I know. I’m not creative enough to come up with such thing!). I heard him talking strategy about whatever he was doing with those beans. And he even helped to clean up.
Then last night he had 2 coasters, 2 round wooden pieces of a stacking toy we have and went to the kitchen to fetch 2 spoons. Turns out he was feeding me “cookies and applesauce”. Try as I might to get him to go down to get the toy dishes from the basement, he wanted the coasters and spoons from the kitchen. I drew the line at real forks. It’s all fun and games until someone looses an eye.
I have to wonder how often I get in the way of the play that he enjoys – and needs – so much. When I offer what he’s “supposed” to play with instead of allowing him to create toys in his own environment. I don’t want to hand him a light saber to play Star Wars when I can give him a stick (or one of those poles that holds up the peppers) and sit back and find out what he sees.
Somehow toy companies have convinced us parents that we’re incapable of providing things to our children that both entertain and educate. Our tools must be purchased instead of created (aha! see? It’s not just at the children’s level). But in my limited experience, I’m finding that the kiddos just love to play adult, helping with the dishes and cooking is one of H’s favorite things. They enjoy the measuring cups and wooden spoons, mommy’s pencils and paper even over their own coloring books. Even as babies, the kids liked the spice jars filled with beans and sugar better than the plastic rattles that I offered.
So, I’m not really going to sell all the toys in my house. However there will be a weeding out process. I’ll let his favorites stay – the barn with all the animals, for sure. But when I reflect upon his “favorites” – the bean bags, books, magnets (both mine and the ones that make music when you match), Buckeye, balls;  they’re all objects that don’t limit him to a single activity. Perhaps I should leave the toy procurement to the professionals – as in, the ones who play with them.

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