Month: April 2011 (Page 2 of 3)

thank you, DC*B for another reminder

In the end when all of this is gone
And all that’s living has moved on
The sun and moon will finally set
The wind will lay the seas to rest

In the end when all our souls will rise
All the nations, all the sides
Will feel the need for that dark place
For I and thee in His embrace

In His shadow there is peace
In His arms there is rest
In His word there is hope
In His hands there is grace

In the end, no hurting
In the end, no yearning
In the end, no suffering
No sadness or pain
In the end

To the end when all of this is gone
And all that’s living has moved on
The sun and moon will rise and set
The wind will bring the seas to rest

To the end when all our souls will rise
All the nations, all the sides
Will feel the need for this dark place
For I am loved and this is His embrace

In His shadow there is peace
In His arms there is rest
In His word there is hope
In His hands there is grace

To the end, there’s hurting
To the end, there’s yearning
To the end, there’s suffering
You’re waiting and waiting

Oh to the end…
Oh to the end…

Bodies die
Souls will shine
Bodies die
We will rise

We were made to live forever…
We were made to live forever…

We will live to live forever…
We will live to live forever…

and another one down..

Today my baby girl turned one. All the veteran parents tell me how with each consecutive kid the time flies by exponentially and this has so far proven true. With the oldest, everything is new with each passing year. The next ones file in line and you wake up one day and she’s walking. Then talking. Then going to prom. Eeck. 

I’m a bit saddened that Miss M only has 3 months left as the baby before moving into Older Sister ranks. In the past several weeks she’s been such a delight, discovering new things and engaging people in ways she hadn’t before. She’ll be a wonderful big sis, but I’ve enjoyed her as the baby girl. I really hope she’s not being jipped out of some special spotlight time with the new addition. But she has such personality that I think it will be hard to loose her in the shuffle. 
So a bit about the little lady on this monumental day:
  • She’s trying to mimic words: thank you, milk, mommy/daddy, more, animal sounds, choo choo… Just tonight H was singing O’Toodles (from Mickey) and we hear M follow up.. “oooo toooo tooo”. 
  • She’s an eating machine. Probably more than H eats at this point (he’s slowed down significantly over the winter. Hibernation?). For her birthday celebration we grilled chicken soak, had baked beans, a few picnic-y salads and she shared her cake – Pineapple Upside Down – as it’s also her daddy’s favorite. 
  • She’s taking many consecutive steps! She’ll often take off from standing by the coffee table, especially if she thinks no one is looking. I think we’re going to have some races before too long. 
  • She’ll blow kisses night night or even give you a real one (if you’re in the elite circle). She was nuzzling with me at church this morning. Oh, how a mom treasures those times. 
  • She’s almost done with her bottles. She only gets one at night, but we’re on the last can of formula and I’m not buying more, so we’re about done. The past few nights she hasn’t even finished off what we’ve offered. Such a big girl. 
  • She’s such a good listener! Tonight husband was already upstairs, so I just asked M to go upstairs to put on her jammies. And she did it. She’ll put her bink back in bed when we ask and sit down in her high chair (from standing) when firmly reminded. She knows so much more than what we think!
  • She’s even aware of dressing – she’ll try to put on shoes (mine, hers, whatever is close). She got a pair of bunny ears for her birthday and she tried to put them on her head. She even held  a new shirt she got for her birthday up to her face, I think because she was trying to put it on. Maybe we will be able to leave the house completely dressed with three of them. 
  • She loves to press buttons that make music. We have a hand-me-down Disney princess book that stays on the coffee table as a makeshift jukebox. She’ll sway with the music and even bob her head. She got a new set of wheels today that plays fairy music. Can I tell you the delight that brings everyone in this household? (Yes, you might detect a slight bit of sarcasm in that statement). 
  • She’ll do anything that her big brother is doing – pulling cushions down from the couch and jump on them, climb things, try to ride his “car” (she’s nearly able to get a leg over on her own). I can hear the tune playing now… “anything you can do I can do better….”
So that’s our little lady in a nutshell. She so bright and fun (well, when Aunt Gigi isn’t around, right? She chippered right up this evening after the big crew left…). And she has a new pile of pink threads that mama needs to wash, so it’s time to wrap this one up. 
Happy Birthday my sweet Miss M. 

in the gap

Today I recieved an email that nearly brought me to tears. It was actually a facebook message notification, several paragraphs long, containing primarily school district information and links to progress plans and the like. So it wasn’t necessarily what the email said, but what the email meant.
This spring kicked off year #2 that husband has been looking for a full-time teaching gig. I’ve mentioned his last positions in passing – a half time teacher/aid position at a ridiculously awful school and then a long-term sub post for a retiring teacher that ended in the position disippaiting for next year. Now we’re on to the 2011-12 openings, and thus far there have been 2 in his subject area. For the state of Ohio.
Husband has been told 3 times that he was 2nd choice. I’m not sure it’s all that comforting to know that he was *this* close. He’s had numerous interviews and after several (the “2nd choice” ones) he comes home feeling really good about it. And then… no. The disappointment is suffocating.
I know that he’ll be a great teacher. He was this past year, even in extremely difficult situations. It’s a tough time to be – or become – a teacher. But we’ve been working toward this for nearly 4 years, from the time he decided to return to school for a masters. We’ve put a lot out there – moved, left jobs, got new jobs, juggled schedules and trimmed a household budget down to the nibs. But we did it knowing it would be worth it.
The lack of clarity weighs on us… we’re willing to move for a good position, so it’s been mentally tough to get settled. I couldn’t even decide how much of a garden I would plant this year for fear I wouldn’t be around to tend and harvest it. I told him the other evening that for 3 years now all I’ve wanted was to plant berry bushes, but I keep holding off to make sure we’ll actually get to taste the fruit. We can’t imagine where we’ll be in 5 months, the future just a cloudy fog of unknown.
Don’t get me wrong; we’re extremely fortunate. My employer has been more than gracious with time off to have babies and yet taking on exciting assignments and working part time, but at a wage that I can afford to do so. We fell in a huge heap o’ luck and blessing when we bought our house; no matter how small the paychecks, we don’t fear foreclosure. Rather, we have more than enough of everything we need. Our cars run, our fridge is full and we rarely feel like we’re missing anything – life is, actually, good. We both have an ongoing opportunity to take on more hours, so if an education opening doesn’t pan out, we’re not down to nothing. In all of this, we’re very well cared for and we realize that we’re blessed. We live knowing that it’s going to be alright. Because it always is.
So we’ve lived in the tension of knowing we’ll be fine yet perpetually yearning for what is next. Sometimes, hope is exhausting. 
So when Sarah J (sorry, “D”, but she’ll always be J to me) has taken step after step to help us, offering advice, tidbits and even writing a recommendation on his behalf, I’ve been taken aback by the love. So often these kinds of struggles are bore alone, but she has stepped into our plight willingly and graciously.
Our friends and family have shown concern and empathy with our situation; there have been many a prayer on our behalf. That’s about all one can do, unless s/he’s a principal with a business education opening next year. But SJD was put into a place that could offer us direction and advice, a practical leg-up alongside the spiritual one.
And she stepped in.
I’ve heard the rhetoric before about “standing in the gap” for those around us, being a voice and an advocate. I know the situation seems trivial, but I feel like that’s what she’s done. She went home sick, 9 months pregnant, but was sure to send us all her thoughts and advice for this simple 1st round interview. And her thoughts weren’t generci, simple flippant attempts to brush us off, but rather true words of hearing and seeing our situation.
I’m thankful for friends who love like that. Even if it pans to nothing – which is likely in a district that has, quite literally, thousands of applicants a year – it’s yet another experience for us to know that really we’re never alone.

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