Category: mom life (Page 4 of 4)

when it rains, it pours [a debbie downer post]

I’ve posted several times on my love/hate relationship of the duality of part-time work and part-time “stay at home mom.” In so many ways I have the best of both worlds. I can list the many advantages to my current situation that most others don’t enjoy:

  • There are days my van doesn’t leave the garage and I never fight traffic.
  • I work a schedule that I submit
  • I can throw in a load of laundry between work tasks or run down and grab a pound of meat to thaw for dinner
  • I don’t have to remember to pack my lunch each day
  • I make an (overly) fair wage for the work that is required of me
  • I feel valued and appreciated by my employer
  • I see my kids throughout the day rather than just at the end of it
  • I have the time to do the bit “extra” that I really appreciate: making my own laundry detergent, homemade meals, cloth diapering, nursing the baby… a lot of the stuff that gets outsourced by working parents. 

After reading Radical Homemakers, I found a small flame burning to make my home my vocational center (well, outside of God, but work with me here); I want to take pride in the work I do here each day and see its value. I wanted to return to my roots, take pride in traditional tasks of making a home, like so many of the previous generations of women. While thankful for the women’s liberation movement and it’s freedom to offer me a choice, I wanted to choose making a home over a career. 
But unlike the generations of women who have gone on before, I’m walking to the well alone. 
With the freedoms to make so many choices regarding work and family and life and home comes the divergence of paths. Whereas the foremothers walked together to do the laundry on the river’s edge, gossiping and chattering, I’m heading to my basement for some solitary confinement with the perm ‘n press. Making a home as vocation isn’t done in community anymore, which really lessens its appeal. I’m discovering (and a majority of people around me have probably known this for a few years) that I’ve got a good deal of extroverted neediness; when denied access to a strong social circle, I begin to wilt away. So taking me out of a workplace while removing me from a community of people I know and love and tying me to the house because it’s naptime hasn’t fared well on my heart. 
The whole idea of “it takes a village” has as much to do with the child as it does the village. Parents need others to come alongside while raising children because we don’t have a clue what we’re doing. Mothers need someone to talk about the ins and outs of diaper rashes that won’t go away. We need one another’s presence as validation, or the simple – yet important – tasks of making dinner or mopping floors become tedious rather than a contribution to something beyond ourselves. We need voices beside us through our trite tasks because it confirms how important sorting socks really is. In the absence of those voices, lonely hearts only hear how little the day’s work contributes to anything beyond a clean floor. 
I don’t need a new job. I don’t need a shake up of priorities. I don’t even need “another hour in the day” in which to get it all done. For once, the task-management side of my life is fairly balanced. Except for showering, because it’s hard to convince yourself it’s really that important when no one sees how greasy your hair has become. Instead you want to use precious naptime to try to find a way to connect to someone – somewhere – in the midst of the meaningless tasks involved with Monday’s arrival. 
I could go on in a tangent about how social media has both helped and hurt me in this regard, but I’ll save that for later. Instead, I’ll make a meatloaf, finish washing the diapers and fold the whites. And try to convince myself that it does matter, even when there’s no one sitting beside me to convince me so. 

grocery store face-off

It’s important to pay attention to cultural norms. It’s how one, especially if she’s new to the community, knows what is acceptable, encouraged and expected. Today was one of those learning experiences. 

Kroger, it appears, is for rookie moms. 
Not moms who are just new to momdom, but rather those moms who doubt their abilities. I say this because they looked at me like either I was an alien or that I had a large black mole on the end of my nose, of which I was unaware. Let’s start from the beginning. 
First, I was greeted in the parking lot by a mom of 2 young ones (driving a shiny white SUV. Inside she purchased a latte. I tried not to judge). As I pulled out Miss M she said, “I’ve got a question real quick: Is it really any harder with 3? They keep telling me it’s not, but I feel like I have my hands full with 2!”. 
To be honest, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to answer that question. I said, “Not really. But then again, we moved when this one was 2 weeks old. The grocery store is cake in comparison.” 
Then there was the old man by the carts who needed to know how old Lady C was. He was fascinated that such a youngin’ could make it to the grocery store. 
The kids were pretty well behaved, but then H Boy decided he wanted to walk. I told him he could when we got to the milk – and subsequently rerouted once I saw the milk was the next section – but since we forgot the paprika, it made for a long venture. As H got out of the car cart, Miss M decided she was done, so I had to put her at the top of the cart in the purse holder. While wearing Lady C. 
Which brought about Nice Lady who offered to help, after I had everyone situated. It was a nice offer, but we were ready to find the spice aisle (btw, Kroger – some spices aren’t for “baking”. It’d be to your shoppers’ advantage if you listed “spices” with “oil, baking goods”. You’re lucky I’m a Kroger Lifer and know my grocery groupings). 
En route to the checkout we stumbled upon Mom of One (a cute little girl, I must say. The daughter. Though the mom was cute in a way that made me want to smack her. Wearing real pants and a shirt that wasn’t a hoodie. She didn’t even have her hair in a ponytail. Ugh). She wanted to know where I got my carrier (Etsy) and we stood and chatted the ins and outs of bjorns and wraps until a nice old lady with a mini-cart (can I tell you how I long for those days?) needed through. 
Then Nice Lady reappeared (trying not to expose the fact that she had stalked me all the way to the checkout line, past the paprika and all) with an invitation to MOPS. Did you know it costs $60 to join? Crazy! But she offered me a year for free, and since I’m all about swag, I said “sure, I might be interested.” So she checked out behind me and fetched the invite freebie bag (I’m TOTALLY sure that they were equipped at the first meeting for an invite-a-friend contest. But I really do appreciate the invite) from her car while I unloaded 3 kids and the groceries. While the cart boy stood impatiently by awaiting the chance to return the car cart to the rightful place, as those things take up waaaay too much room in the cart return. I could tell I was clearly making him inefficient at his job by using the car cart. My bad
Lastly, a word about car carts. I only let my kids use one when all 3 are present as I feel like a CDL should be required to drive one. Not so much an end-cap friendly vehicle. And the kids will be warned that they have to ride the car the whole time or it’s simply not worth my energy. But when it comes to engineering of these things, a mom was clearly involved at Meijer where as some 50 year old man was the genius behind Kroger’s. At Meijer, the car is right under mom so you can have a clear idea of who really is picking on whom. Then, for ease of unloading, the basket is at the front. No leaning over either a car or kid in order to reach the goods. Having a toddler “help” compounds the problem. All while under the watchful eye of Nice Lady, who I’m sure will report to her evangelism board about her experience of helping and reaching out to the poor, suffering mom of 3 under 3 who didn’t realize that Kroger is perhaps not the place for children. 
And it’s a big however. 
I’ll be back. First, I think I could get a few gigs mom-coaching, if only in the arena of confidence boosting. 
But the bigger reason is that Kroger has a Starbucks. This is the Right Bauer of grocery shopping experiences. I mean, after all that, don’t I deserve a Pumpkin Spice Latte? 
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