Category: goals (Page 3 of 3)

the list: 2012

Perhaps #1 should be not procrastinating? I can’t believe 20 hours into 2012 and I’m just getting this done. But here it is. Ways I’m going to make 2012 better than 2011. 

1. Create more. If I can make something (sewing, crafting, activities outside of “play with your toys”) each month, I’ll feel like a supreme success. 
2. Complain less. I’ll be a better conversational partner because of it. 
3. Serve on a regular basis. I’m not sure what this looks like, but I’m doing my research. In my hopes to engage the community, I need to be specific that it’s not the community “just like me.”
4. Write something beyond the blog. 
5. Do a bit of physical activity 5 days a week. My downfall is when this requires changing into a bra that prevents bounce. But I just found a 30 day “challenge” (thanks Pinterest!) that provides some movement and crunching that I can squeeze in at the end of the day sans post-activity shower. A few jumping jacks and crunches are better than nothing. 
6. Take more pictures. 
7. Find new outlets to meet people in this community. A writers group, a running club for young girls, 
Dar la Luz, kids activities (parks & rec activities, the library)… there are possibilities out there if I choose to follow through. 
8. Facebook less. If I really want to know what my friends are doing, give them a call, shoot them an email asking them real questions about their life or plan an outing to meet up. 
9. Get dressed more. Working from home has a way of luring me into my comfy pants. Though I don’t need to go to the 9s, I could at least don pants with a zipper 3-4 times a week. 
Try as I might, I can’t think of a last one to round out an even list. So, I’ll leave it as a wild card. Perhaps mid-year I’ll toss one in. 

how’d I do?

It’s time to examine the successes (or the lack thereof) in terms of my goals to make 2011 better than 2010. 

1. Care less about what others think
Hmm… this goal wasn’t so SAM (specific, attainable, measurable) so, it’s hard to tell. I’d say I did a few more things that could potentially drop me a notch in other’s opinions, so if I had to put it on the scale, it’s tipping more toward success. 

2. Accept the chaos. 
I’m definitely seeing wins in this column. Mostly out of necessity. I have a few habits that help me maintain some level of sanity – I do a naptime and bedtime walk of the house to make sure everything is put away. All dishes are done and the kitchen is tidy before I retire. And I’m keeping kids stuff that just sits out to a minimum. This way, each time the kids tear apart the house or begin an activity that has me thinking “this isn’t going to end well”, I can always remind myself that by 8pm, it will end well. 

3. Better dental hygiene. 
Success in terms of brushing multiple times a day. Failure in that I didn’t go above and beyond. Never even saw a dentist. 

4. Follow up.
Dismal. Failure. 

5. Add some variety to the blog
Eh. I tried. Maybe my life will diversify next year and this will be a natural outcome. But for now, it’s just the natural ramblings. I do hope to have KLR “guest post” now and again. I think I might even have her on board with the idea. 

6. Become a better wife
I’m trying. Husband is currently at the movies (I know – solo? Yes. He loves it). And in an attempt to help him to connect to activities he loves, I got him a 6-week session at the pottery studio downtown (a hobby that owes its roots to a super high school art class, I believe).  

7. Run
Another. Dismal. Failure. But I haven’t given up. With the sitter so close, I fully intend on getting into a spring groove. 

8. Take more pictures
Again with a fail. 

9. Unless working, stop using technology when the kids ask it of me. 
Yeah… the new iPad isn’t going to help this, either. 

10. Throw a good party
Not even close. 

11. Begin my morning with God.
Success! I’ve even arose earlier than required to meet this one. 

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