Every morning, I rise and prepare the coffee grinds. I sit in the same brown leather chair with my steamy mug and I awaken to the day. To my right is our front window, facing the west. This morning it was dark and gray, fooling me into believing that nothing but rainstorms lie ahead.
To my left, I look out our eastern-side sliding doors. This morning’s sunrise painted the undersides of the clouds in varying shades of pinks and oranges. The light was so bright when it reflected into the house, I needed to shift my gaze.
Find a seat to look out both windows. Notice the space where the sunrise has not yet reached. At the same time, adore the beauty of light edging out darkness. Because this is life; your life and my life. Through both windows you can acknowledge both darkness and there is dawn. Both. And.
From here, I can see the work of the sun twice a day.