Month: January 2014 (Page 3 of 5)

The processional

JJ spent his first several professional years serving as a funeral director before deciding to teach. Because of his experiences he’s quite sensitive to funeral etiquette and the pieces that make up those days spent actively mourning. He sees  how families are treated which most people never question.  He takes offense when people don’t stop for the funeral procession to go by – from both a practical and a conceptual perspective, he gets physically agitated with offenders. 

I had a chance to talk to my friend whose mother we celebrated and then laid to rest this weekend. We talked about what happens next, if she was planning on working today and how to manage this new way of life. She said, “that’s the hardest thing – the rest of the world just keeps on going.” 
Perhaps this is why the funeral procession is such an important act. The waiting traffic doesn’t know anything about the family and friends driving with the little flags on the hood – to them, the train of cars equates to an inconvenience, an excuse for tardiness. 
Those riding behind the hearse, however, need that space. They need you to stop. Please. Wait. Because the life at the front of the line was significant. Her absence will change our world. We cannot possibly keep the same pace as the rest of the world while trying to figure out how to live without her. 
People remark they don’t know how to help their grieving friends. No amount of words or casseroles will “fix” the problem. We don’t know how to help people in grief. But perhaps one of the best things we can offer is to obey basic traffic laws and apply them to our approach to life with grieving friends.  
What we need right now is to keep the processional train together. To make it easy for loved ones to find one another. Let them ride together, without feeling alone. Clear a path for them. Stop, sit to the side and wait. 
It’s not convenient, but it’s loving.  

When there’s not a title for her

You have your family. And you have your friends. Sometimes, those friends become such a part of your life, they become family. 

Jeanne was a permanent fixture before I even arrived in this world. Her and Don were BFF with 2 of my uncles & aunts before deciding to make my parents the target of their affections. We’ve spent nearly as many vacations with them as without them and their presence fills my childhood memories. 
I’m guessing this is 1998. Raise your hands, people who know me, if you first thought I was my sister. 
I find it unfair that when I tell people of my sadness, I’m stuck with words like “friend of the family” or “my parents’ best friend.” I’ve found often in this world adults lack relationships with the depth and consistency I experienced from the circle of my parents’ friends. Now that I am an adult and have experienced friendship outside a school yard and dorm room, I can say what Jeanne (and Don, and the rest of “the friends”) was to us cannot be equated to the occasional dinners or chatting with someone at the end of the school day or church service that others title “friends”. 
When I didn’t know where my parents were (way back before cell phones) I would call their house. If we needed a cup of sugar (or, more accurately, a cup of tequila), we could stop by uninvited. We rode bikes to their house, spent countless 4th of July’s in their backyard and scorching summer days in their pond. I’m nearly positive they didn’t miss a single basketball game of my high school career and Erica had graduated after my freshman season. 
If I had to draw a picture with my memories it would be set on Lake Cumberland. Actually, it’s this one. 
We spent our days boating around, taking turns on the skis (and by “we” I mean “they” because I kept content with a book in the front of the boat). On the hot days we would jump in to cool off between skiers and on the chilly mornings we would bundle in sweats and towels and still go out because it was smooth as glass. I once went to Cumberland with the Young family without my own family. Because, why not? 
The year that the kids bought Don a blender for the boat made it even more exciting. We drank margaritas and went to the dock. Don bought a ski jacket for my sister (and then charged it to my dad), so Jeanne felt justified taking an ice cream sandwich. On the way home we got the air guitar show as presented. It was a good day, wrapped up – no doubt – by a game of Hell or “the board game.” 
These kind of memories don’t just “happen.” They grow from years and years of presence, in the dull and mundane and in the thick of stress and drama. They’re planted in memories of playing cards, eating Mexican food and waiting to hear Amy in the Morning announce that school is cancelled the next day. They’re grown in discussions of The Young & The Restless and meaningless chatter around high school basketball. 
When church people begin talking about “fellowship” and “community” (which is really just the newest word for fellowship), what they’re wanting is relationship that looks like that of my parents and their friends. They need someone to take a day of “Jeanne sitting” when Don is in the field. They seek the kind of friends who send me a birthday card every year, without fail. They’re wanting people you call up on short notice and say, “we’re going to Pizza Hut, want to join us?” just because the night is better with friends. 
I don’t feel like we’ve lost a “good friend.” I feel like a part of my childhood family, who happened to live in a different house, has left us. I mourn her presence, her smile, her dry and deadpan sense of humor. I will miss her calling me Shelly-Elly. 
Most of all, I’m grateful for the example she set before me as it pertains to friendships. I know, through her, what it looks like to present, to be faithful. 

Brittany Spears, Dating and Hearing God

My junior year of college I took a class on the History of the Jewish Holocaust, by far the most enriching of my college career. Because I’m a nerd, I typically arrived early. Over time I chatted with fellow nerd and nice guy, Merrill. He was in J-school and we’d shared a few other classes. 

One particular day I was reading The Post and saw a review of the Brittany Spears movie and made some comment. Merrill inquired if I was going to watch it. “HA! No, thank you. I don’t think she has much talent in her original trade, let alone acting,” I said (or something similarly snarky). 
Later – and not just later that day. Like several days later. I’m a quick one – I recollected the conversation to realize he hadn’t asked if I was going to watch the movie – he asked did I want to go see the movie
Like, with him
Oops. So that explains the awkward change in conversational tone in the days following. 
I totally rejected him without even knowing or intending to do so. I’m one of the few people I know who can get asked out and not even realize it. (If you’ve done this, please share in the comments of the blog. Please let me know I’m not alone). The funny thing is: I totally would have said yes. He was a nice guy and I didn’t keep a long list or potential suitors. I would have enjoyed an evening out, even if spent with Brittany Spears. 
I have to wonder: have I ever done this to God? Have I ever thought he was saying one thing, only to give a completely sarcastic response? Have I missed what He asks me to do because I think the task sounds ridiculous?

Probably. That’s because I’m so focused on the activity. I doubt Merrill really wanted to see Brittany Spears, though perhaps he was a closet fan. The invitation wasn’t one of content, but one of relationship. 
“God doesn’t speak to me,” I hear people say. Well, perhaps that’s because we think that when he asks us to go somewhere, you laugh in his face. Perhaps you think it’s about the task before you rather than the person beside you. We don’t hear what He’s truly asking. 
I don’t advocate adapting a Yes, Man attitude – we need not do everything asked of us, just like I wouldn’t date any ol’ fella. But how many good and worthy requests slip by us unnoticed because we roll our eyes at the prospect of an evening spent doing that?
Let us be listeners, not just about the task at hand, but of the voice who is inviting us to share the experience. 
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