Month: August 2011 (Page 3 of 5)

the old has gone

When driving down to the new town  in the weeks preceding the move, it didn’t seem like that long of a jaunt – especially because we did it multiple times in a week. However, in the trek back today, it seemed like ages separated the two cities. 

If I had a therapist, I’m sure she’d call this cognitive dissonance
The reality is that today was the first I was able to fully absorb what transpired over the past month. Because of my lack of ability to deal with emotions, huge transitions can be quite seamless for me because I shift into a task-oriented survival mode. I deal with the issues at hand and discard all those silly feelings that accompany. So when the husband says, “do we move?” I look at the facts: job, paycheck, goal. Then I create lists: what to pack, what to sell, what banks and offices and realtors to call. 
People asked me several times over the past few months how I was doing, and I could honestly answer that I was doing fine. This had nothing to do with the situation being easy; basically, I’ve been operating like a leper for 7 weeks. A leper tends to bear gross, obvious flesh wounds that the rest of the world can plainly see are not good, but the nature of leprosy is that the person doesn’t feel her skin. The gashes are the result of bumbling around sharp objects and leaving her hand on the stove because she didn’t feel it burning off. 
But today was like the moment when you get up off the floor and realize you were sitting in an awkward position because all of the sudden a tingling sensation rises in your foot as the blood starts to recirculate. 
Dee handed me my box of office things, and as I left the building in which I’d spent countless hours roaming to and from the bathroom, I wondered when and if I’d ever return. 
Then I had to return the garage door opener to the old house and I knew I’d never return. The day we moved out I operated at the height of Emotional Shutdown, so I hadn’t thought twice about running out the door. But today I stood in the empty rooms that had housed my children’s first days. I recalled what it looked like with our things and images came to mind of Husband arriving home and bursting through the door for the kids to squeal in glee (yes, he did this – just like the sitcoms). It wasn’t just house, it had been a home. It was the centering place for our family. 
This was where life events – the mundane things of life that truly make up the memories we keep – took place. The movies we watched. The games we played. The books we read. The work we completed. The grass we mowed. The garden we tended. The balls we threw. The coffee we drank and the breakfasts we fixed. The friends we entertained. (Allow me to break into song with Seasons of Love). 
Until the rooms in that house sat empty I didn’t fully comprehend what we were leaving behind. Though the books and coffee and balls all made the move with us, the memories of the past are tied to that place. I realize that new memories and beginnings are exciting and that we have great hope in our new surroundings – we love the new house and believe the new town will be a great place to live. But that doesn’t erase the sadness of knowing that a certain phase of our life is over. 
I don’t deal well with the fact that I can’t get time back. Re-dos aren’t allowed. I’m not talking about “oopsie” re-dos. I’m talking about going to bed at night knowing you lived a good day and anticipating that the next one, or seven, or 365, will share a similar look and feel. 
So tomorrow we’ll rise and make pancakes and head to “the market” as H-boy calls it. We’ll weave about in our new town and etch new images into our hearts with the wonderful time we spend together. But nothing will replace the pictures of what transpired in our lives before we arrived. 
And I’m glad that today I had a chance to truly feel the magnitude of what has gone before so that I can appreciate – and immerse myself in experiencing- what is yet to come. 

give and get

I knew parenthood would usher in an age of giving up certain things on my end. Sleep was quite obvious. Perhaps a good share of warm meals. Choice of evening literature. But the list continues to grow for things I just didn’t seem to anticipate slipping from my grasp as little ones made their appearances. 

1. The living room floor. At any given time you can anticipate something to be clustering it up, if not a permanent stain or the dog trying to consume the last of the milk spill. Currently H boy is using a down throw from the living room to cover up anything with large surface area: the toy box, coffee table, footstool, his sister… 
2. Bathroom time as private time. This morning 3 of the 4 of us were in the 2nd smallest room in this house. 
3. The best or last swallow of food and drink. Between Miss M’s obsession with anything cup-related and H’s love for food, I have to keep my best snacking for sleeping hours. 
4. Showering. I can be quick, but do you know how much they can get into in a 5 minute window? It’s either the house stays [relatively] clean or I do. And no one yells when I smell. 
5. Looking cute. By the time I get them dressed and together, we’re lucky if I have both shoes on, let alone mascara. So those few victorious times (today is one of them) are celebrated. 
I’m curious what other things parents have given up that they never imagined to be part of the parenthood deal.

if he were a woman

Husband informed me tonight that our relationship would teeter on the edge of perfect if he were the woman and I were the man. He told me this in the context of needing to offer a wee bit more for childcare than what I’m currently seeking. But he had 3 solid reasons for seeing it as a rosy role-reversal:

1. I like to use my brain more. I think it’s “funner” (yes, direct quote). 
2. He has too much testosterone, which causes him to get more angry (because we all know estrogen doesn’t do that?), so even though he would enjoy staying home with the kids, this hormone apparently renders him exempt. Or inept. Or something. 
3. There was a mention of sex drive, but I tuned that out.  
It’s hard to believe that nearly 3 years later I’m still battling the internal wars of mommy vs. worker bee. On the one side, I love not rushing out the door and getting to spend time with the kiddos each day. I love making them good food and taking them to the park. Today I even enjoyed our outing to the doctor’s office (everyone was on primo behavior). And nap time. I LOVE nap time. 
But I also crave social interaction. And not just the “can I have your recipe for granola bars” type of interaction, but real, meaty conversation. And trivial gossipy conversation. Or work-related conversation. I love common goals and strategy and planning. I love imagining what could be and coming up with ways to get us there. Devising solutions. I’m all about the process as much as the product. 
Husband is right: I do love to think and read and create and… well, think. But it’s hard to get real strategic with a 2 year old, even when it comes to potty training. The most vision we have to our days are the promises of something fun on the other side of a good nap. So without these managerial elements, I’m left a bit empty. I have an task-centered, goal-oriented hole in my heart that my kids just don’t fill. And to be honest, when my cerebral itch doesn’t get scratched, I tend to gravitate toward the world wide and it’s web to keep my mind engaged. But while engaged with electronics, my children run amok. Not the win-win we’re looking for. 
Fortunately, it might not be up to me to actually try to make a decision about how to balance work and home. We’re a sitter’s worst nightmare: part-time. So by keeping us on board, she’s not able to keep other kids that could be a bigger paycheck. I spoke with one this evening who was absolutely wonderful, but it’s hard to for her to justify aligning with us when the take-home pay just might not be worth her time. She’s even worked with special needs kids before (one with a loss of hearing) and would love to continue working as a “nanny”, but what do I have to offer, other than 3 adorable kids? 
Husband has told me there’a a price to pay to keep mama sane, and it’s worth it. But we only need my part-time sanity. 
So, until we find the part-time relief, it’s just me and the children during the day. We’ve started to develop rhythm and pattern, and as I said on FB, the kids are more full of sunshine if I get up earlier and get some coffee in my system first. At this rate of progression, perhaps I’ll even brave the grocery store with all 3 by the end of the year. 
Or I’ll just send them with the nanny. 
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