here we go round the blueberry bush

A few months ago, when husband and I were engaged in yet another talk about options for our future, he asked what I wanted. 

“I just want to be able to plant a blueberry bush. And eat its blueberries.” I replied. I was tired of the wait-and-see, perhaps-we’ll-move game when it came to job hunting. So we made the decision that he wouldn’t apply and relocate for just any job for the sake of having a job. And I planted a blueberry bush. Two of them to be exact. 
Apparently, that’s all it takes for things to change. 
Just 2 weeks ago his friend that helped him get his sub-gig at Troy sent him a message that she would be leaving her post, so he put in his application. He was called for an interview, but couldn’t get off work short notice, so he just had a quick phone interview yesterday. 
Today they called with an offer. 
For some reason, neither of us really expected this interview route to actually lead somewhere. It could be the cynicism of doing is to many times before only to amount to a “you were next in line” or it could just be denial. We finally came to a place of being content with staying local and he had come to terms with his part-time other job. We were making it work and had said that whatever would come, we would own it; we wouldn’t be the victim of circumstance but the makers of good things in any situation. 
So, we shall now sell a house (after getting it re-sided and re-roofed), buy a house, have a baby and start a job all within a very short time frame. Wow. I know I need to start making lists and schedules, but I don’t know where to begin. And here I thought I was really putting us ahead of the game by sorting through our clothes and thinning out the closets. But at least it’ll be that much less to move!
So while it has a slight bite to it, the situation is quite sweet as well. We’re really sad to be leaving our community and our friends. That reality hasn’t even begun to set in yet. But we’re also excited about what the opportunity might bring. He knows he likes the school, the principal and the kids. He gets to teach the subject area he was trained in. We’ll have health insurance. And it’s only an hour’s drive away; we’re not crossing any state borders. 
But we’re moving. Quickly. 
So, if you’ll excuse me, I need to do some checking in Trulia for 4 bedroom homes. 


  1. Michele

    congrats Michele! I feel your moving pain…a little further along than you..still…feelin it with you! praise God!

  2. Michele

    Congrats Michele! I feel your moving quickly pain!!

  3. kristin

    whoa! it is crazy how things like that work– i guess that’s similar-ish to what happened to us last year at this time. weird.

    ps- does this mean i should bust it to get the after-baby-born gifting sketches out to you soon? 🙂

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