Month: January 2011 (Page 3 of 7)

I walk through the garden alone…

I am in possession of a new book (*Note: it is not the book I ordered from Barnes & Noble. That one still has not arrived. The website is too difficult for me to figure out how to turn in the issue to customer service. I’m appalled by B&N. The rest of this gift card will be used after browsing the store). Second Nature is by Michael Pollen, a favorite of mine, and I’m all kinds of excited to be peering into the gardening season. So, in my pre-read, I want to list some of my future garden goals for the year. Now, remember, this kid is due to arrive anywhere between July 2-14. So, though my goals remain high, I believe there should be some grace in any failures I might encounter. I’m not amish, after all.

In the garden:
Tomatoes – roma and a beefysteak. Lots ‘o them, so we can make salsa (by we, I mean husband), pizza sauce and a generic tomato sauce as a base for soups.
Onions – Lots ‘o them. Because we rarely cook a meal without an onion
Green beans – these should be BUSH beans, not POLE beans. Lesson learned last year
Squash- perhaps a butternut or spaghetti
Eggplant – 1 plant would suffice
Green peppers – 4 or 5 plants
Hot pepper – last year we had a serrano and a poblano. But that’s really the salsa maker’s department
Garlic – already in the ground! (How proud of me Dan W. will be?!)
Cucumbers – I’d like one plant. That’s all. I don’t love them, but husband loves a good cool cucumber “salad”
Zucchini – one plant. These buggers seem to multiply in their sleep. It used to be that you had to lock your car in the summer or someone would fill the back seat with them, but a friend looked for zuccs this summer past and couldn’t find any! So perhaps I should contribute. For bread and fried goodness.
Sweet potatoes – I know nothing about growing these, but they make the best baby food, so I’d like to stock up.

I’m hoping that this book fills me in on some strategy to save space, placement for success and a better understanding of when to put what in the ground and to anticipate some reward. If I can be strategic about what goes in after the lettuce is done for the summer, I’d like to plan.

And we can’t forget the herbs:
Oregano (I think this will come back from last year)
Basil (we were very successful with this last year)
I need to do further research into what makes a good pizza sauce.

Nothing gets you through a January night like thinking about May!

what I want my daugher to know about relationships with men

The right guy at the wrong time is still the wrong guy.
You need to be “me” before you can be “we”.
You become like the people you are around the most; ask, “do I want to become more like him?”
If he loves you, he’ll never say “If you love me…”
People can change. Not all of them do.
Never use sex as a weapon or a tool.
It’s better to be alone and content than with someone and miserable.
If you have to lie to your family and friends about him, he’s probably not a great catch.
It’s never okay to hit.
There’s NOTHING wrong with you.
Sometimes, “like the other girls” shouldn’t be the goal.
Don’t look at his resume, look at his heart. Just because he meets “minimum qualifications” or “seems perfect for you” doesn’t mean you have to date him.
Yes, sometimes “good guys” are boring. And keeping up with a rebel can be exhausting.
Most divorces result from arguments about money and sex. Watch carefully how he talks about, uses or values these things.
There’s a difference between “perfect” and “healthy”.
Learn how to fight fair.
Stand up for yourself. And learn to say “I’m sorry.”
If he doesn’t encourage (which can include challenging) your faith, you’ll probably end up bored or frustrated.

*This list is a work in progress. And yes, I will probably teach them to my son, as well.

funny things H has done in the past 24 hours

Picked up his childrens bible, saw a picture of Noah and pointed out “Santa!”
Randomly started doing yoga poses (down dog, mountain) like mommy (after mommy finished, not alongside)
When saying our prayers, he rearranged Buckeye’s hands so that they were properly folded for the activity
Pooped in the bathtub. Then reacted by screaming and flailing about until husband could remove him from the situation
Then he told mommy (in toddler tongue, with waggling arms) how to get the TP from on top of the toilet, pick up the poo and put it in the toilet. NOW.
Mommy: “Where does poo poo go?” H: “In the POTTY!”
Heard Kyle crying in the nursery. Turned and saw Josh crying in the nursery. So he started crying with them. He’s such a sympathizer.
When asked if he wanted toast for breakfast he sang “yeah! toast!” (just like the funny guys on WNCI)

He’s hilarious. Gets it from his mother. Except for the pooping thing.

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