I had some down time today while the chillins were napping in the hotel room, so I did some perusing of what the rest of the world calls “real” bloggers (funny… aren’t bloggers simply amateur writers? so by definition I’m an (aspiring) amateur version of an amateur writer? Sounds like I’m quite, um, green). I made a few observations.
A) All kinds of give-a-ways. $50 gift cards, store credit, books, movies and ipads. I have none of these things. I suppose, after doing a brief inventory, I have these to give away: an old hutch (given to me from an older couple. It was secondhand when they received it 30+ years proir); a treadmill (which may or may not be owned by my parents and given to one of their friends, but since it’s still sitting in my florida room I think it’s fair game); an ice cream scoop (at last count we have 5); a partially used box of bakers chocolate (at last count we have 3); and a sign that says “beware of pickpockets and loose women” (this is hanging in the husband’s garage but I hate the thing and would be willing to give it away).
B) All kinds of free stuff for the blogger! If enough people read, random companies will just fill a blogger’s mailbox full of goodies in the hopes that said blogger will write something complementary about it. I’ve read bloggers who’ve received fancy yarns, clothes, soap, makeup, lotion, papers, crafting items, baking tools… it’s amazing! Now, I’ve mentioned before about my lack of fashionability: consider it an open invitation!
C) And in the vein of selling things… lots o’ ads. So far no one is paying me anything to write words of brilliance. Perhaps I need to find a subject area that includes a problem in which a specific product would solve it. Then the owners of the product company would pay me millions.
D) And lots of these bloggers are quite social; joining blog rings, going to conferences (seriously, who pays them so much money that they go to CONFERENCES!?). Some have a social conscience as well, advertising causes and npo’s. Nifty little box ads and everything.
E) And the number one thing these real bloggers have? Readers. Novel idea.
Well, at least I can work on making things pretty (which, btw, I recommend the Google Picasa photo editor). Then I’ll work on just gathering topics that are a bit more interesting than spying on the rest of the bloggy world.
Until then…