Month: October 2009 (Page 4 of 6)

lessons learned

spent the day at home because H was a bit sick. he threw up last night after he went to bed and we didn’t want grandma to catch anything, so i had to stay home. he had a pretty cranky afternoon, but so do i when i don’t feel well (and i don’t – did i mention the hubby was so generous to share his cold???)

but in the span of the day, here’s what i learned.

1. if, when involved with a crime, you say, “i swear, i didn’t kill her though” then you usually didn’t. (we were tuned into CSI all day).

2. my mother-in-law makes the world’s best applesauce. or she buys it. but i’m pretty sure she made it. it was pretty and pink and not cinnamon-y (though i do love the plaza’s pink cinnamon applesauce).

3. making veggie beef soup really isn’t that hard. i was impressed with the outcome. even put a container in the freezer for post-baby time.

4. vicks on the feet and saline up the nose helped him to sleep. not sure which is to contribute, so we’ll continue with both.

5. patience is not gained in the short-term, specifically in a 12-hr period with a sick baby and sick mama. i’m not sure how many sick days it takes to establish patience. i nominate someone else to find out and spread the word.

6. i’m pretty lucky that i got to stay home with the little one instead of wondering all day how he was doing while i suffered through work. i do a lot of complaining about work, but really, i’m pretty lucky.

7. mark was right. he recommended that i buy these vicks (but not made by the vicks brand, it’s just the best way to describe the smell) tablets that you put in the shower. it’s like a little alka-seltzer vicks for the tub. between the vicks and the steam of the shower it turns into a glorious little haven. mark said it was better than slicing out your sinuses, and he was right. definitely listen to this guy more often.

8. t-mobile has the best taste in music – LOVE their choice for the my touch commercials.

i’m sorry if today’s lessons expose my mediocrity. wow, i spelled that right on the second try. who said today wasn’t a success?? (well, anyone who ate my veg soup would say it was a complete success! and when jj comes home and h is still sleeping, he will also agree).

things i would kinda like to be doing right now but lack the gumption

there are several things i could work on right now. instead i’m going to read my mystery novel, but if i put them out there maybe someday we can check the boxes (one of my all time favorite activities! next to making lists, of course).

1. make garland out of used kleenax. pretty sure i almost emptied sarah’s box today. she buys the good kind but my nose is still sore! btw, a little clear lipsmackers on the nose helps at first, but then it starts to sting. stick to aquaphore.

2. call all my cousins who were at gus’ celebration of life and apologize profusely for contaminating the place with germs.

3. begin to work on the ad campaign for a local shelter. i’m doing some side work for a friend who owns an ad agency and it’s a new client. i’ve spent a lot of time today coming up with concepts and i’m quite excited to lay some things out. i love serving clients who i can share vision.

4. begin a crochet project. one of the reasons i love cold weather. though now i’m inspired to learn how to knit…. i’d like to venture into that world. but i need a teacher. i’m not good with self-instructed stuff. they say things like “easy” and “beginner” but they don’t mean me.

5. clean up the evidence that henry enjoyed an afternoon with his cousin Raya. unfortunately he wasn’t at the top of his game and stuck close to grandma, but i think he still enjoyed her presence.

6. eat an orange. clearly i need the vit C. or just saw off the portion of my face that contains the sinus.

7. begin putting ideas together for a book/resource i’d like to query to group (a youth leader resource company). i got some encouragement from a few youth director friends and feel like there’s really nothing like it currently out there. but this will require some buckling down on my part and, as clearly stated, i frequently lack gumption. i’m like a grand fountain of great ideas that has a huge hole in the bottom where the follow through goes.

and that’s about it for the night. accidentally on purpose is on and i thouroughly enjoy the show. ciao!

there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide

i’m like a spigot. water just keeps flowing from my eyes. unstoppable. poor jj, he wants to know why. while trying to conquer my roux for the chicken and wild rice soup, i tried to come up with it. the best i can do is narrow it down to a list:
1. hormones. a small living creature residing in your personal parts tend to throw off the body chemistry. my guess is that it’s hormones + any of the other reasons following.
2. my baby’s sick. i think. he randomly threw up his lunch on grandpa tom as he was leaving gus’ bday party. poor guy. also has a cold. and pitiful naps.
3. i’ve spent 2.5+ hours in the car the past 3 days. i don’t mind car time, but that’s a lot. just wears you down.
4. the coach of the denver broncos is wearing a hoodie sweatshirt over a long-sleeved t-shirt. you know how i know there’s a long sleeved t under there? he has hiked up the sleeves of his hoodie but left the tshirt sleeves down. clearly he is not married, no decent wife would let him look so pitiful.
5. i’m going to work close to 40 hours this week. and we allllll know how much i love to work. the anticipation of lack of time, trying to come up with dinner, getting us around and shuffled to the sitters all while showing some restraint in the upchuck catagory is just overwhelming. but christmas is coming. feast or famine, right?
6. it’s f*ctober. on any given day we’re forced to be sad about the loss of someone. today is jj’s family’s day. ugh. sympathy is def not something i’ve conquered, i have no idea how to be loving and supportive, especially 8 (*or 6*) years later when the pain is just as deep but not as remembered by all. “i love you” doesn’t seem to cut it. and when you don’t even have the privilage of sharing the memories of that person, you’re left even more on the outs. oh, jeez here come the tears again.

so, that’s about it. thank goodness there are bright spots: a nice dinner out with my sister, gus turning one and having a fabulous party to celebrate it, jj getting enough work done today that he is now tinkering outside which makes him quite happy.

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