Category: gifts (Page 2 of 2)

Shine, sing and other ways to love

Things I know to be true about myself:

1. I’m not a good listener. I am fantastic at hearing and absorbing and synthesizing information. However, if simple listening is what you need, I’m not your gal. Recently, I’ve tried to ask friends about their needs in this regard. Do you want advice right now or do you want me to just listen? At least then we’re both understanding the same expectations. Because….

2. I’m an ideas person. I’m a believer that we are not so firmly planted in our ways of life that we cannot change the things we do not like. We can’t change all of the things, but we can change our approach or our response to them. So I all-to-often share what I’ve done, read, heard, or thought about. I’m one of “those people” who will recommend a great book for an extremely difficult season in your life. I know this about myself and I’m trying to pull on the reigns, but it remains a life pattern which is not easily rectified.

So do you know how God has dealt with me, continually throughout my life? He gives me people in grief. I’m completely awful with it. I’m not good at talking about it because there is no book or lecture I can recite to alleviate the pain. I hate the pain, it’s so incredibly hard to sit with and hold their pain, so I wash dishes and bake cinnamon rolls and try to pretend it’s an illness that will someday find healing.

I must be a failure at these grief “growth opportunities” because they have appeared throughout my life. Particularly with friends whose mother is named Deb. Those friends’ mothers tend to die of cancer. I feel as if I should offer this as a warning to potential new friends. I should write it on my name tag at socials and meetings.Hi, my name is Michele. If your mother’s name is Deb, we cannot be friends. I’m sure you’re fantastic!

Grief seems to be the extreme side of general “hard times” in life, of which all people move in and out. It seems the eternal question as a decent human being is: How do I help those I love during those hard times? What does love and support look like? Is it just listening? Getting a glass of wine? Bringing a pot of soup?

About four years ago, I was walking through an incredibly dark time. So many unknowns sat in front of us and it simply hurt to think, and to not-think, about it. I needed something from others but I couldn’t put words to it. One day I was singing to Crowder, as I often do, when I realized I was singing:

Shine Your light so I can see You
Pull me up, I need to be near You
Hold me, I need to feel loved
Can You overcome this heart that’s overcome?

I realized that light was exactly what I needed. But here’s the thing: I didn’t need someone to shine a light at me. I needed them to shine the light for me. I needed them to walk just ahead, beside or even behind me and point that light forward so that I could see the next step. They may need even to drag me to the next step. Of course, daylight would be nice. But my friends have no control over daylight. They can, however, shine the light of a small candle in the immediate space around us.

Right now I’m not walking in a season of darkness. Actually, colors are quite vibrant in my world. I’m living in a spring day in which I see so much beauty – the grass is greener, the sun is brighter and I have a sense of where we’re headed. Even though many unknowns lie ahead, I’m not living in fear of constantly stumbling around in the dark.

But my friend is not. She’s living in the darkness. She remarked, “I just wish we could see some sort of light in all of this.” And I knew so well what she meant. My heart aches that there’s nothing I can do in the situation. I’ve delivered multiple pots of soup, so she’s probably a tad tired of my efforts to help.

Last weekend at church, the topic was something around “faith during hard times”. We sang a song very much related to that topic. I enjoy the song, but my initial thought was, “this isn’t exactly what I’m experiencing right now.” It felt a little untrue. But I remembered my friend and how true it is for her right now. I thought about the times that songs have been so true that I couldn’t mutter the words out loud because the trueness almost hurt. Or I would start crying. Yeah, mostly that.

These songs would make grand promises about God actually being good and seeing us through to the end and I wouldn’t sing because I didn’t know if I could or would believe that again. In my darkness, that part didn’t feel true. I didn’t sing those parts because I wondered if I believed it.

A teacher once taught about singing and gave reasons “why we sing.” It was a great lesson but the only one that stuck with me is that we might “sing until it’s true.” We might not believe something to be true, but we sing it anyway. The words and melody shape us and push us onward toward belief. They can carry us toward belief.

Last weekend I decided that we can also sing until someone else believes it’s true. Those parts of songs that are simply too true to utter out loud still need sang. Those of us living in light times simply must sing them on behalf of those walking in darkness. We must supply the melody and hum the rhythm so that, eventually, others can join in the song.

We shine the light. We sing the song. Not at, but for, beside, behind and around those who need it.

On Giving: From an Angel Tree Kid

I met Jenna over 10 years ago (I feel so much older saying that…) at what I like to refer to as “Youth Director Boot Camp” as we both began in the youth ministry world. I loved her heart for other people. We both grew up, got married and had babies. She’s a counselor now, currently walking through the steps of living out her dream of helping kids using horse therapy. You can follow her journey over at her blog, A Classic Work in Progress or on Facebook.


I was an angel tree kid.

I am not sure what people envision when they pull a name off of the tree at Christmas, choosing a child to be gifted by your generosity. Do you assume certain family situations. Races ? Politics? Welfare? And what happens to those kids?
I can’t speak for all of those little angels. But I can speak for one. For a period of time I was an Angel Tree kid. I don’t know if it was the official “angel tree” program. I am certain it was through our church. And someone shopped for gifts for me, like most programs.
A little history: we were never on welfare. My parents were divorced. We actually lived quite well for a while on a small horse farm. As time went on, things progressively changed. By my 8th grade year we were struggling. During this time my mom worked a minimum of 2 jobs. I had 2 sisters, one had moved out to college (which she paid for herself) and working. We lived in a nice town. Were involved in sports, 4-h, horseback riding and we worked while maintaining good grades.
So why Angel tree? Well one job my mom had was Walmart. And another as a CNA – not well paying jobs. And to be honest, in retrospect my mom was not making the best financial decisions. She never touched a drug in her life, but I can see now that her brain tumors were affecting her back then.
From what I am aware of, we were on church support programs from that time on. I remember getting Thanksgiving baskets too. I think my mom let us know about the source the gifts and food from the beginning.
There are a few pictures and emotions that I connect with significantly. Good, bad or indifferent. Sometimes I was grateful sometimes I was not. I’m just being honest.
I remember one year receiving a cd walkman I had asked for. I cannot tell you how much that meant to me. I don’t remember a single other gift I got that year. But this was what I wanted and I could listen to my music in privacy without criticism about choice or volume. It created a little world for me. I knew these gifts were from the program and someone out there in the bigger world thought of me, my wants and my hopes.
After some recent discussion about used gifts, I think about a situation with a “used” gift – not from Angel Tree. I remember opening a gift in 8th grade from probably “Santa” that was clearly a well used puzzle. MY puzzle. Yes, one i already owned and had put together. I was confused and disappointed. This was out of the ordinary. I wondered about my mom seriously. Not sure if it was her illness or we were that broke. But I wonder how embarrassing that was for her when I was clearly not excited about it. I wonder if parents feel that way when their kids get well loved gifts from strangers.
As a recipient, I remember getting clothing that I loved and shirts that I did not. To get the gift receipt and exchange it for something I liked, just like any other Christmas present, helped me feel more normal and more myself (since I already wasn’t cool in high school) and that is an empowering gift.
I asked my sister her thoughts, looking back on our experience. The thing that stood out to her is that it helped her know that God didn’t forget about us. Is there really anything else more important than that? (FYI she now is a Big Brother/Big Sister in her area and donates toys to needy kids every year).
And now, that Angel Tree Kid, me, some 15-20 years later: She has a family. A masters degree. Helps people for a living. Lives comfortably. Is happy and extremely aware of how blessed she is. 
I look forward to sponsoring a few families through Catholic Charities, the main organizer of this program in our area. We have sponsored 2 families , 5 kids total. I take their list with me to the Day after Thanksgiving shopping to get good deals on a few things they want. I don’t buy everything – I am not wealthy. But I make sure some of their requests are filled as closely as possible. I even throw in something for the parent if there is any info, like some pampering stuff or a gift card to a grocery store.
I do it out of a mix of emotions and reasons. Gratitude. Guilt. Fun. Excitement. Obligation. Charity. Self-fulfillment. Selfishness. Obedience. Empathy.
I look forward to involving my toddler more in the future. To see a world of real struggling people out side of our own who need him. Showing people that God hasn’t forgotten about them. If for nothing more than a coat or a toy. It doesn’t take much.
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