Pinteresting thoughts (another numbered post)

1. Yes, I have favorite pinners. We need to find ways to decrease stress and increase time in their lives so that they can resume their great contributions to the Society. 

2. The pins are better at night. Apparently, people with jobs have better taste. 
3. I appreciate the wealth of boards dedicated just to FRIENDS scenes (though I don’t have one myself, I still love it in the feed).
4. I may or may not judge you on the contents of any recipe if added to a board that includes “healthy” in the title. 
5. I secretly give bonus points to pinners who creatively name their boards. “My style” does not get points. Song lyrics always win. 
6. I considered creating a board for hairstyles called “and I do great hair” but only 3 people would find it hilarious and I’ve only pinned about 2.5 pictures for personal use (2 of them while at the salon before a wedding, as mandated by the bride). 
7. Friends, we have enough pins out there of the Naked palette. No matter how many times we rave, it’s not going to get any cheaper and magically appear in our drawer. Join me in mourning. 
8. Nothing I have tried from Pinterest can be deemed “the best ever.” I stopped believing those captions. 
9. I rarely re-caption. Just FYI, so my friends don’t get confused again and think I’m considering law school. 

1 Comment

  1. kristin

    ha ha ha ha ha ha- love 9. i have had a lot of things like that. like people who are single and pin baby room stuff with a caption that makes me go “ooooooh man.” and then i realize they didn’t change the caption.

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