Allow me to introduce you to a look at our January:

Week 1 – Mama and children catch the flu (real flu, not the stomach virus). Two of us are down for a week before feeling fully functional. 
Week 2 – Massive catch up in work/home life before I leave on Momcation
Week 3 – Return midweek from Momcation for a similar massive catch up in work/home life. Followed by a trip to Hardin county / Akron / Hardin county / home in 2 days. 
Week 4 – Mama catches a stomach bug, kids ooze snot and H boy tosses in a few of his “cookies” sporadically throughout the entire week. 
It seems like I lived the month at both ends of the extreme. I / we would be unable to move from the couch, capable of nothing more than a WOSU marathon, resting to the point of functionality, then jumping back in full swing. There would be 800 loads of laundry, an empty pantry to fill, packing to do, visits and appointments to make. 
My Momcation to Portland came seemingly at a great time as the work of catching up weighed down on me. While away, my hosts spoiled me with good food, visits to beautiful places and wonderful conversation to make me feel like a grown up again. Not to mention, I wiped no buns other than my own. I read books and stayed in my bed except to pee. 
I returned home appreciative of my life and those who made the trip possible (ahem, JJ). JJ greeted me with appreciation for my daily grind. I was ready to begin 2013 anew, give my energy to growing my “business” with a few new clients, get better at my endeavors and be a better, more present, mom, wife, friend, sister and daughter. 
And then I puked. 
So this week didn’t start great, and it continued to digress to new levels of frustration. None of the kids were at the top of their game. The sick one only wanted to cuddle. Any cuddles given meant a complete pile-up of children on my lap for extended periods of time because of course I can’t show preference and it must be doled equally. And while I know that I have “nothing better to do” than care for them, as it is my primary responsibility, I wanted to be needed a bit less. I yearned for my kids to live to the level of patience and understanding and creativity and self-sufficiency that I normally hold them to. And for naptime to be more than an hour of respite. 
So I greet February with open arms. May it bring health for the whole household (and yours!). May it bring peace in me and among my children. May it bring joy in all streams of my daily work. May it bring contentment for this place rather than simply endurance.