Observations from a fully-lived day

Observations from a fully-lived day:

1. Hospitality is far more than a well-stocked pantry or nice ribbons around party favors. True hospitality includes enjoying the presence of your guests and living beyond the details of hosting. 
2. Family is good. It’s a beautiful thing when it cares for one another, celebrates one another, challenges one another and celebrates one another some more, this time with food. 
3. Good things in life are hard. It’s easier to sit on the couch. It’s easier to stay home. But Easy is not always Good. Good things are worth the Hard. 
4. Early morning + eventful race + afternoons with cousins + swimming = very tired littles, with early bedtimes for all. Which makes for a nice evening for the adults. 
5. A year goes by very quickly. Babies grow quickly. Houses are no longer new, quickly (and should have things hanging on walls by now). 


  1. Courtney

    Michelle, we’ve lived in our house over three years now and only have curtains in one room and get harrassed for it all the time.
    I say “eh, I’ll get to it when I have time”

  2. Michele

    that makes me feel better! when asked what Baby C needed for her birthday, i told my mother she can actually decorate the nursery….

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