I’ve been meaning to post a few kiddo-updates and keep getting sidetracked by deep thoughts (I have about 4 drafts going with no final conclusion. I need to get it together!). But here are a few to bank in the archives:

H Boy

  • Now that he’s more verbal, he’s funny like his mom. He’s doing lots of repeating and said his first prayer over dinner the other day (he reminded us about halfway through). He repeated after mommy by phrase and did a very good job. He was quite pleased with himself. Goodness, he can’t be this old already. 
  • A few Saturdays ago we went to a church garage sale. I took the umbrella stroller to push Miss M and he had to walk like a big boy. He was not pleased. When we returned to the car, he explained to mommy that we were all done. He said, “all done. H turn ride. M walk.” I didn’t know how to explain that Miss M hasn’t got this bipedalism thing yet. So I promised a dual ride when we got home. He didn’t even let me go in the house first – he immediately got in the double stroller. 
  • Finally, what’s an update without a potty story? Lately he’s been putting Buckeye on the potty (Buckeye also takes naps and eats snacks and plays with play doh). He’s also been doing a lot of singing, especially in the car. Though he did pull out a song book that came with his musical instrument box and started singing as well. Such a Choir Boy. Well, on the way home from Grandma and Grandpa’s one evening, Miss M was getting a bit tired and frustrated, so I asked H to entertain – “sing her a song” I said. So he did for a little bit. THEN he announced he needed to go potty. I explained he’d just have to wait. I suggested that he sing a song about going potty. So, soon we hear a song of his made-up words and every 6th or 7th word is “pee pee” or “potty.” Absolutely hilarious. 
  • He’s now pretty consistent at the potty, diapers only for nap and nighttime. He’ll even go poo on the potty (sometimes it takes a few tries). Now he wants to wipe his own buns. Great. What a mess. 
  • 6 and 7 seem to be his favorite numbers.
  • He’s caught on to red, yellow and green. Blue is still a mystery. Every time. 

Miss M

  • This girl is always on the move. She’s a quick little crawler though she dreams of upright mobility. You can tell her time spent with little FS at the sitter is motivating. Last night she stood up hands-free, but her legs were nearly her height apart, for stability I’m sure, but that didn’t negate her pride in the effort. She’ll try to stand up from a sitting position and get stuck, 2 feet on the ground and one arm in the air. Right now she does a lot of standing up behind our legs and walking with us. It’s slow moving, but I guess it’s the way she learns.
  • She’s doing a lot of “uh oh” especially after she throws drops her binky from the crib. 
  • Recently she discovered in and out, so a new favorite is tossing toy animals down the play silo and then getting them out to put them in again. She did it for nearly and hour the other night. She found it amazing, every. single. time. 
  • Thankfully she still finds her brother hilarious. He can talk to her or get her to clap and dance like no one else can. She’ll just cackle and laugh at whatever he’s doing. 
  • She’s pretend reading! She’ll stand up to the footstool and start “nah nah nah…na na nah” and then turn the page. All that time reading with brother has convinced her that this is proper form. 
  • She’s still going up the stairs like a pro, but refuses to learn how to go back down. 
  • This month will mark her first birthday and she’s got the sippy cup skill mastered, so next week we’ll start introducing milk. She loves her bottle, so we’ll see how this goes…
  • Ah, and one of my favorite things is when she sucks in her top lip and sticks out the bottom one. She does it in concentration and to be cute. I try to tell her, as my grandma Cella used to, that some time a birdy will come along and poop on it. But then again, it’s so cute that I don’t really want her to stop.

Well, I hear the pitter-patter thunderous stomping of a 2 year old waking up. Time to begin the day.