a combination of things has brewed up a perfect storm in my blogging life. let me recap:
1. i like goals and rules. a general sense of purpose brings me glee. aimless wondering – not so much.
2. i saw julie and julia (cute movie – see it with the gal pals). her blog had a purpose. goals. there may have been blog envy on my part.
3. my post from yesterday about why i love my life stimulated some conversation today at work. i never really thought it would… i kinda thought it one of my more boring posts.

so, here’s my attempt: to continue blogging, looking at the world in hopes of finding the things for which i am grateful, the things in which i delight (great concept, thanks to a good podcast this morning).

i have a signature on my email, a poem from EBB. heck, i’ve never read it in pure form, it might just be a quippet from a longer poem. but it says:
Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God,
But only he who sees takes off his shoes-
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

sometimes – most of the time – i don’t take the time to look at the world and see the burning bushes. there is so much beauty to be enjoyed, but yet i’m a plucker. i want to take off my shoes – acknowledge the “sense of holiness that permeates all things and people” (thanks, eugene peterson / galatians 5) and enjoy.

so we’ll give it a run. toss it out there. see what shakes out.